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Hot Forming & Cold Forming – The Right Technology for Your Requirements
In the world of fasteners, choosing the right forming method is essential to ensure the quality, durability, and cost-effectiveness of a component. At Pattberg Maschinenbauteile, we employ two proven methods

Custom Flange Bolts for Marine Engines and Special Fabrications
Custom Flange Bolts for Marine Engines and Special Fabrications At Pattberg Maschinenbauteile, we specialize in the development of custom components to meet the highest standards.

Increasing efficiency and product optimisation: training for our dealer customers
Increasing efficiency and product optimisation: training for our dealer customers We recently held a successful training course for our dealer customers, which focused on technical
Successful ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Recertification!
At Pattberg Maschinenbauteile GmbH, we place great importance on quality and environmental protection. Our recent recertifications according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 underline our commitment to excellence and sustainability.
Precision for the Panama Canal: M80 Dowel Bolts in Grade 10.9
The production of these bolts requires utmost accuracy: the shaft is ground to an accuracy of one hundredth of a millimeter, ensuring a perfect fit within its environment.
From design to reality: development and production processes at Pattberg
Transforming an idea into a tangible product is both an art and a science. Pattberg has perfected this process by using innovative design and production processes to produce high-quality mechanical components.
Innovation in mechanical engineering: How Pattberg is revolutionizing the industry with CNC milling and turning
Mechanical engineering is an industry that requires constant innovation and technological advances to remain competitive. Pattberg has established itself as a leading company in this area, particularly through the use of state-of-the-art CNC milling and turning processes.
Comprehensive quality assurance: ensuring the highest standards in every Pattberg product
Quality is the be-all and end-all in the manufacturing industry. A product is only as good as its weakest component.
Specialized machine components: How Pattberg exceeds industry standards with special screws and bolts
In the world of mechanical engineering, details are crucial. Every component, from the smallest screw to the largest assembly, contributes to the smooth functioning of the whole.